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Summer Twinkling
Summer Twinkling

Summer Twinkling

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Summer Twinkling

Summer Twinkling

夏日瞬閃Summer Twinkling

專輯發行時間 2023-03-27
建立於 2023-03-27


'Summer Twinkling' is our first studio album. Summer is always short. This album is about summer memories, with joy, bitterness, blazing heat, ocean waves and cold sodas.

We are the indie band ‘Summer Twinkling’. We aspire to fuse different musical styles such as post-rock, alternative-rock, jazz and dream-pop. We formed over the internet during the 2020 epidemic. The band members are from Asia, Europe and South America. At first we just wanted to produce 2-3 songs because we have different musical backgrounds and preferences but a similar passion for exploring music. We wanted to see what new and exciting ideas could come out of these different life experiences and musical elements. The original plan was to finish our project at the end of summer 2020. However, as we made more and more music and got to know each other, we agreed to make songs together every summer over the internet until we finally finished our first full-length album in 2023.

We decided to link seven tracks (and one single that had already been released) together (without gaps) to bring the band back to its original state of rehearsing and performing. For us the summer was extremely important but short. Our band was founded in the summer of 2020. We remember that summer when we couldn't leave our towns or even our houses because of the epidemic. With uncertainty and worries about the future, we started writing songs together...There are fragments of summer that are sealed in the thirty minutes of this album.

Thank you for listening and we look forward to your feedback.

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