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Hot Hot Desert
Hot Hot Desert

Hot Hot Desert

AlternativeDiamond Shaped Hearts

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Hot Hot Desert

Hot Hot Desert

Super Napkin
Super Napkin

4 月


【 2024 Fire Live 壞兒來福:街角餘音 Vol.2 】

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發布時間 2018-03-15


Take me back into the sands of your heart
Let your sunbeam tan my skin to dark
In the days when I cry
In the days you feel pride
In the days we fight
In the days, alone

Coz even you slipped through my hands
I still feel the burn, I feel the pain
I’m thirsty for the sound of your voice
While I’m drying up

The World is ending in the next seven days
I take away the ocean I take away the sun
The World is ending in the next seven days
I take off my shirt in the hot hot desert

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