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Scarlet in Wonderland
Scarlet in Wonderland

Scarlet in Wonderland


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Scarlet in Wonderland

Scarlet in Wonderland

The MUFF乐队
The MUFF乐队

發布時間 2019-07-22




车上的乘客大都是住附近的农民,他们挑着竹筐,里面有自己种的水果和蔬菜,走将近五、六里的泥路搭上这趟列车,为了赶个大清早到附近的市集叫卖。卖菜大妈的脸红噗噗的,像极了直布罗陀猕猴的屁股,她吆喝道:“来看看来看看,新鲜的杨桃,5块钱一斤咯!” “来来来茼蒿五毛钱一把!”。提着老秤杆的大叔嘴里叼着只剩下半截的烟,手指着秤砣说:“刚刚的一斤,你看,不少你半两!”。别的车厢乘客经常串车厢来买点玉米小葱之类的,就像逛菜市场。我的耳边都是吆喝声和讨价还价的声音,还有“大篷车”压过铁轨“哐卡哐卡”的声音。

在我对面的那节木板上,距离我大概三五米之外的位置上坐着一个面如蜡色的大叔,他嘴里叼着旱烟,old school到不能再old school。大叔旁边坐着一个头上被红色的纱头巾裹得严严实实的人,耷拉着脑袋,无法确定男女。那人像是一个无意识的木偶——身体随着列车的晃动而左右摇摆,似乎没有办法靠自身力量稳定身体。旱烟大叔时不时的把那人扶正,每做一次动作,他就愈发的不耐烦,动作也越来越粗暴。




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She’s ready to fall, another person to call, she’s waiting, she’s waiting
She’s ready to chase, another night outside, she’s drinking, she’s dancing
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh, tell me what you think, don’t tell me who you are
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh, tell me what you think, don’t tell me who you are
In the morning she weep, take off the mask she wear, she’s depressing, she’s confusing
All the pains inside, all the demons around, they’re rolling, they’re rolling
You better run you better run you better run, I heard them saying:
You better die you better die you better die you better die
Run to the future right now, I can see it shine on your way
Break all the circles around, don’t get use to bending to your fate
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
You better run you better run you better run, I heard them saying:
You better die you better die you better die you better die
Run to the future right now, I can see it shine on your way
Break all the circles around, don’t get use to bending to your fate
I don't believe the sky is blue, don't believe in thunder‘s echoes
I don't believe that dreams are false, don't believe in regulation
Run to the future right now, I can see it shine on your way
Break all the circles around, don’t get use to bending to your fate
I don't believe the sky is blue, don't believe in thunder‘s echoes
I don't believe that dreams are false, don't believe in regulation
Someday somewhere
I will save you

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