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Womb For Sale
Womb For Sale

Womb For Sale

Singer / SongwriterSiasing

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Womb For Sale

Womb For Sale


  • Song of the Day

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發布時間 2023-12-30


  • Toby Mak
  • Michael D’Angelo
  • Marco Panascia



在〈Womb For Sale〉的開頭中,žž瑋琪像是在講述暗黑反童話故事般,用嘲諷的口吻娓娓道來一段發生在部落的荒誕婚姻。少不更事的女性嫁給外省老兵,žž改編了原住民族林班歌謠,以帶有一點哭腔的古調唱法,表達欲給予祝福卻又不捨的複雜情感,整首歌意圖呈現的是以女性為主體看待婚姻的世界觀。

作詞Lyricist:žž瑋琪、阿尼、林班歌謠、Ken Finley
Piano : Musa明馬丁
Double Bass : Marco Panascia
Drum : Michael D’Angelo
Trumpet : Toby Mak
特別感謝:Billie Holiday〈Strange Fruit, Cole Porter〈Love For Sale〉


Sweet fruitage on eastern trees
Swingin' in the eastern breeze
Fresh and green and still unpicked
Pay the price if you wanna try

izua za ti kaka
(I have a sister who's older than me)

pucekelj ta ljautia
(She's married to a veteran)

tjavulung tjai kama
(who's older than my father)

neka nu 'uvalj
(The guy has no hair)

mangupalja anga
(The guy has no teeth)

maya masiyaq
(Don't be shy)

kivalau anga
(Remember to come home often)

mamamav itjen a kacalisian
(We will always be family)

(Hang in there)

ka setukezu
(Be strong)

ayi ayianga ti kaka
(唉 好想你 我的姐姐)
(Oh, How I miss you, my sister)

Womb for sale
Appetizing womb for sale

Love that's sold is cold so cold
Stolen youth and bleeding soul
Dried out tears and fading cries
What the hell did I sacrifice

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歌詞 動態歌詞

Sweet fruitage on eastern trees
Swingin' in the eastern breeze
Fresh and green and still unpicked
Pay the price if you wanna try

izua za ti kaka(我有個姊姊)

pucekelj ta ljautia(嫁給一位外省老兵)

tjavulung tjai kama(他比我爸還老)

neka nu 'uvalj(他沒有頭髮)

mangupalja anga(牙齒也都掉光了)

maya masiyaq(你就別害羞)

kivalau anga(回來家裡吧)

mamamav itjen a kacalisian(我們都是一樣的原住民)


ka setukezu(要努力)

ayi ayianga ti kaka(唉 好想你 我的姐姐)

Womb for sale
Appetizing womb for sale
Love that's sold is cold so cold
Stolen youth and bleeding soul
Dried out tears and fading cries
What the hell
What the hell
did I
did I

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